Interactive Kanban Board
in Dark vs Light Mode!
Enjoy Kanban style board at your fingertips!
WiserBoard project management client for your Kanboard tool. This feature helps you move task cards around the columns to your will.
Wiserboard Project management tool comes with different features making the app more efficient.

✓ GenAI to Ideate on Tasks and Subtasks
Use project descriptions to ideate on tasks and task descriptions to ideate on subtasks. The GenAI module by WISERLI allows you to create tasks and subtasks using LLMs. You can use existing descriptions and also inject additional prompt instructions.

✓ Drag and Drop Tasks to Organize Your Project
Locate all tasks on the Kanban board and easily move them through columns using drag-and-drop features at your fingertips. Assign, Organize, Manage and Track the projects/tasks of your team efficiently in one place.

✓ Ease of Access
Simply connect to your Kanboard instance and visualize all your work in your palm, bringing the management of the team and personal projects to your fingertips, forget the desktop. The app helps you organize all your work down to the last detail.

✓ Drag and Drop Tasks to Organize Your Project
Locate all tasks on the Kanban board and easily move them through columns using drag-and-drop features at your fingertips. Assign, Organize, Manage and Track the projects/tasks of your team efficiently in one place.

✓ Organize Your Projects: Tracking Tasks and Subtasks
Divide a project into tasks and tasks into subtasks. Descriptions of these tasks include fields that include all the necessary information, images, documents, deadlines, work distribution, etc. Subtasks then help each part of the task be executed to perfection, down to the last bit.

✓ Stay Updated with your Projects
Get updates on every activity that takes place in the team. The activity stream keeps you updated when a task is updated. It is employed for every project page and dedicated activity stream page.

✓ Efficient Teamwork
Assign tasks to the team members and set a schedule for every task. Track your deadlines for each task; and get your teammates to do their best. All the members can interact with the team. Add tags to the tasks to sort them into different categories.

✓ Communicate with the team – Comments and Mentions
The assignee can effectively communicate their ideas in the form of comments, documents, images, links, etc., and all the members can respond through comments. The comment and description sections can be used to mention members (with the @username attribute).