What is WiserBoard? Why should you use it?

Have you ever been so swamped with work that you miss deadlines and don’t know where to begin? And there are occasions when you lose track of some tasks. A Kanboard, which allows you to see all of your chores and arrange your work appropriately, is the ideal answer for such difficulties.

WiserBoard, which is a client app of Kanboard, allows you to collaborate with your peers and provides an advantage to team leaders in monitoring the tasks assigned.

Kanboard is a virtual representation of a Kanban board. Now the question might arise in your mind what is Kanban board?

What is Kanban board? What’s the difference between a Kanban board and Kanboard?

A kanban board is an agile project management tool that aids in the visualisation of work, the reduction of work-in-progress, and the maximisation of efficiency (or flow). Kanban boards employ cards, columns, and continuous improvement to help technology and service teams in committing to the appropriate amount of work and complete it.

There are various companies that provide kanban board interfaces like Trello, asana, Monday.com, etc.

While a Kanban Board is a type of physical board with sticky notes that helps you visualise the work, a Kanboard is a virtual instance of a Kanban Board.

What is Kanboard?

It is an open source and is Easy to use software with a simple interface that lets you keep a track of your tasks. It has different columns like ‘work in progress’, ‘backlog’, etc which you can customise. Kanboard is also available in a variety of languages, allowing users to access it from all over the world.

Why WiserBoard?

Wiserboard lets you access your Kanboard from your mobile, letting you keep a track of your work anywhere, while its features making your work more efficient.

Simplified View and Drag & Drop Options

It provides you with a layout view of the tasks. It also shows the current status of the tasks which lets you prioritise them accordingly and you can also move the tasks tabs easily across the columns provided.

WiserBoard lets you access your Kanboard from your mobile

Dividing tasks into subtasks and keeping track of activity

You can also divide your tasks into subtasks and keep track of the other teammates’ activities as well as any new task updates. There is also the option of providing a task description that outlines the work that has to be done, team members, and other necessary task information.

WiserBoard lets you divide tasks into subtasks.
WiserBoard allows you to keep track of activity.
WiserBoard lets you add desciption of every task.

Communication and Coordination with teammates

With WiserBoard you can also assign tasks within a team as well as communicate with your team members through comments, making your work much more efficient.

Also a bonus, you can switch from light mode to dark mode and vice versa.

WiserBoard allows you to communicate through comments.
WiserBoard provides you an option of assign task within the team.
WiserBoard is also available in dark mode.

For your upcoming projects, make boards, add lists and labels that match your workflow, add all of your chores, and give it a try. Modify until everything feels perfect and before and get rid of the messed up work and deadlines.